Extra payments into super, no matter how tiny, can do a lot for your balance. It doesn’t have to be a regular amount or a big lump sum to make a difference.
Putting money away for spending in 10, 20 or 30 years’ time is a lot to ask. But apart from having more income to look forward to in retirement, there are other incentives to get you saving a little more into super.
Here are five great reasons to save just a little bit into super, starting right now:
Saving for retirement shouldn’t mean going without now so you can have more to spend later. But it’s also important to get the balance right between enjoying quality of life while you’re still earning and in the future when you’re not. Putting even a little extra into super can help you meet your savings goal for a comfortable life in retirement.
So it’s well worth weighing up whether $4 for one more take away coffee each week is worth it compared with the extra $20 you could be putting into super each month. That’s $240 a year and around $10,000 during your working life. And with the magic of compounding that $4 a week could see you a lot better off by the time you retire.
Saving a little into super instead of a regular savings account has another silver lining. Depending on how much you earn and the highest rate of tax you’re paying (your marginal tax rate), you could save on tax for every extra dollar you put into super.
Helping yourself with extra super payments can also see you get help from the Government. If you’re on a low income, you’ve got two ways to make payments into super and have the Government put more money into your super fund.
By saving into super instead of a regular savings account, you have the freedom to choose how your money is invested. Particularly when interest rates on regular deposits and even term deposits in the bank are low, investments can offer you the potential to earn more from your savings, depending on the type of investments you pick.
If you stop earning for a while, super guarantee contributions from your employer are on pause too. You might take time off to travel or study, or care for kids or other family members. But this is a time when even a small break in your super contributions can have a big impact later on. This is why the Government offer to chip in and help out with your retirement savings when your paid income is lower or non existent and you still manage to make extra payments into super.
If you’re one half of a married or de facto couple and taking time off from paid work, there’s another way to make sure your super doesn’t suffer a setback. Your partner can make some additional contributions for you to keep your balance growing and as a way for you to benefit from extra help from the government. And if you’re the one helping out your spouse with their super savings, it can put money back in your pocket too. Making a spouse contribution could mean you’re eligible for a tax offset of up to $540 less on your tax bill for the year.
It’s really hard to stay motivated to save into super as it’s money for a time that’s far away from now. This is why you need to make super savings, small, easy and regular with automated payments. $10 or $20 a month paid into your super with salary sacrifice is perhaps less than you spend on take away coffees or your streaming subscriptions. If it’s an amount that you won’t really miss from your everyday cash flow, then make a commitment to save it in super instead. And as you start to see the benefit of how that extra amount could add up in your super balance and annual statement, perhaps you’ll get motivated to make it $50 or $60 each month instead.
Source: MLC